Tickets for Atlantic Symphony events may be purchased online, by phone, through the mail, and onsite the night of a performance. We accept major credit cards and personal checks, as well as cash payments.
For limited seating events such as our Chamber and Up Close in Concert events, we recommend purchasing tickets early to avoid disappointment.
Reserved seating is available at our symphonic concerts at Thayer’s Center for the Arts.
If you ever have questions or problems when purchasing tickets to an event, please call us at 781-331-3600. We are here to help. Messages are always returned
If you are a returning Full Season or Symphonic Season season subscriber, please note we “block” your regular seats from online ticketing during the early part of season, as a courtesy. When we receive your subscription renewal, we will unblock and reserve your seats for the new season.
If you are a returning Your Mix discount customer, your seats are not usually blocked unless they fall within the subscriber’s circle in rows J through N.
Please call us at 781-331-3600 to make your purchases by phone or have us remove the block, so you may purchase your seats online if you prefer.

Order Online
Creating an online account is recommended if you plan to purchase tickets more than once, but it is not necessary.
We use PayPal for payment processing — you are not required to have a PayPal account in order to purchase tickets. All major credit cards are accepted.
Go to an event under “Events & Tickets” to add tickets to your cart.
You will receive links to download your tickets by email which will remain active until the time of the concert. You may print your tickets or save them to your smartphone.

Where is my security code?
Where you find the security code depends on the card.
American Express cardholders can find their security code on the front of the card, either to the left or right of the embossed 15-digit card number. These four digits are printed in black, not embossed.
If you have a Visa, Mastercard or Discover, turn the card over. In the signature box or just to the right of it, you will see a series of digits. The final three digits are the security code.
(Information on this page is from

Order by Phone
Call us at 781-331-3600 to order tickets by phone. If you get a recording, please leave a message and we will call you back to take your order. In most cases, we will call you back the same day.
We use online processing for all phone orders. Please have your credit card ready. We will require your phone number, email address, and mailing address in order to process the payment.
You will receive links to your tickets by email which will remain active until the time of the concert. You may print your tickets or save them to your smartphone.
You may choose to have tickets printed and mailed to you or held at the “will call” desk on the night of the concert(s), if you prefer.

Order by Mail
You might receive a season brochure in the mail and can use the order form to purchase up to a full season of tickets with a check. However, you may purchase tickets at any time by mail.
Simply enclose a note telling us the number of tickets you are purchasing, for which events, seating preferences or needs, and include your email and phone contact information, as well as your street address and your check for the full amount due. Make checks out to Atlantic Symphony Orchestra.
Mail ticket orders and payments to: Atlantic Symphony, P.O. Box 259, Hingham, MA 02043.
You may have tickets emailed to you, printed and mailed to you, or held at the “will call” desk on the night of the concert(s).